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Seminars: Fall 2015

AMH 6199: Nineteenth Century America (Prof Gallman):  This course is the 2nd of the three required “foundation seminars” in American History.   Students will read and discuss books and/or articles each week, with a focus on introducing new graduate students to a range of interpretations and methods.  The written assignments will combined short responses to individual readings and longer historiographic discussions. There will be no work in primary materials. Wednesday, Periods 8-10 

AMH5930: American Capitalism (Prof. Adams): This course will be a broad-based survey in the history of American capitalism and its expansion in global economies.  Along the way we’ll see how diverse elements such as mahogany, life insurance, cotton plantations, the New York Stock Exchange, Ayn Rand, and Washington lobbyists all play a role in the story.  Although the narrative of American enterprise forms the basic structure of AMH5930, we will also examine the social, cultural, and political impact of capitalism by exploring several core questions.  Over the course of the semester students will read books in clusters dealing with the unfree origins of American capitalism; the ways in which entrepreneurs, managers, and workers negotiated risk; the emergence of national and global networks; the crisis facing the American working class in the post-World War II Era; and finally the rise of conservative visions of free market capitalism in the late 20th century.  In order to address these themes, students will read and discuss many of the cutting-edge, award-winning studies in the growing field of American capitalism and engage them in both discussion and written form, but there is no prerequisite expertise in economics, business, or labor history necessary.  For a preliminary book list, please visit, or email Dr. Adams at       Tuesdays, Periods 8-10

EUH 5934: Medieval Palaeography (Curta): an introductory course for graduate students with an interest in the history of the Middle Ages. During the first part of the course, students will have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with some of the most important problems of identification, dating, and reading of early medieval documents. The hands-on exercise will involve extensive reading of facsimiles of medieval manuscript pages, charters, and letters, as an illustration of the main scripts mentioned and commented upon in lectures. During the second part of the course, the emphasis is on the description of manuscripts. Part of that emphasis is a thorough examination and description of manuscripts on loan in the Rare Book Collection of the George A. Smathers Library at the University of Florida.The format of this course will be reading- and discussion-oriented. For information on the course, see Monday, Periods E1-E3

HIS 6061: Historiography (Prof Hart): This course introduces beginning graduate students to some of the key issues and challenges involved in reading, researching, and writing history at the professional level.  The books for this particular course will focus primarily on cultural and intellectual history, and will be limited geographically to Europe and North America.  Thursday, Periods 8-10

LAH 5934: Iberian Atlantic World (Prof Altman):  The seminar addresses the early modern Iberian Atlantic world, a milieu shaped by Spanish and Portuguese expansion and the resulting complex interactions among European, African, and American peoples and environments, from the late fifteenth century to around 1750. The main emphasis is on recent scholarship. Students will write either historiographical or research papers on topics related to the seminar themes. Tuesday, Periods 8-10

EUH 5934: Graduate Seminar in World History (Prof Campos): This seminar introduces graduate students to the growing and exciting bod(ies) of scholarship known as transnational, international, world, and global history. While each of these terms might be said to have its own genealogy and historiography, they are all concerned to a certain extent with broad spatial, temporal, and conceptual frameworks. As we shift our attention from the nation-state to other geographic units (transnational or comparative, empires, oceanic shores, planet Earth), we will emphasize movement, contact, exchange, and systemic transformation. Our readings explore the flow of peoples, ideas, institutions, commodities, and diseases across the globe, from the medieval period to the making of the modern world. This course fulfills the core requirement in the graduate WOH minor. Monday, Period 8-10

In addition, Professor Brown of the Center for Latin American Studies will be offering the following seminar which will be cross-listed with History and might be of interest to some of you:

LAH 5934: Revolution and Conflict in Central America (Prof Brown): Focused the major conflicts, wars and revolutions in twentieth-century Central America. Particular attention will be devoted to the conflicts of the 1930s and 1980s, with special attention given to Nicaragua, El Salvador and Guatemala. Suitable for upper-level undergraduate and beginning or advanced graduate students, the course is cross-listed with History and Latin American Studies. Tuesday, Periods 8-10