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Graduate Awards

The Department of History is delighted to offer annual graduate student awards to support conference travel, dissertation research, and excellence in scholarly writing. All award applications and award-related questions should be sent to the Associate Graduate Coordinator, Prof. Philip Janzen, at

Applications can be submitted in the Spring semester after the Associate Graduate Coordinator opens submissions. The deadline for the 2024-2025 academic year is March 14, 2025. Recipients of the conference travel and dissertation research awards must submit a report on their use of funds to remain eligible for future awards.

CONFERENCE TRAVEL AWARD: To apply for a conference travel award, generously funded by the Michael and Annie Halpin Fund, send a statement of purpose (1-page, double-spaced) and detailed budget to the Associate Graduate Coordinator with “Conference Travel Award” in the subject line. Your advisor should send a letter of support directly to the Associate Graduate Coordinator. Only pre-ABD graduate students are eligible for conference travel awards.

DISSERTATION RESEARCH AWARDS: To apply for a dissertation research award, send a research proposal (1,000 words maximum, double-spaced) and a detailed budget to the Associate Graduate Coordinator with “Dissertation Research Award” in the subject line. Your advisor should send a letter of support directly to the Associate Graduate Coordinator. Only ABD graduate students are eligible for dissertation research awards.

Funding for Dissertation Research Awards is provided by the Jack and Celia Proctor Research Prize, George E. Pozzetta Dissertation Research Prize, Gary C. and Eleanor G. Simons Dissertation Research Award, Bertram Wyatt-Brown Dissertation Research Prize, Bertram Wyatt-Brown Memorial Travel Award, and the Lyle N. McAlister Research Award.

WRITING AWARDS: To apply for a writing award, send a writing sample (30-pages double-spaced maximum) to the Associate Graduate Coordinator with “Writing Award” in the subject line. Your advisor should send a letter of support directly to the Associate Graduate Coordinator.

Funding for Writing Awards is provided by the Daniel J. Koleos Research Award, Linda D. Vance Prize in Women’s History, and the Roger Haigh Award in Latin American History.

For more information on these awards, see below. For information regarding awards that are available to undergraduates at the College, University, or national levels, follow this link:

Michael and Annie Halpin Fund

The Michael and Annie Halpin Fund provides pre-ABD support for travel for conferences and research within the Department of History.

This is a rolling application process.  Each year we can offer at least two awards of $1,000.00 each.  Applications should include a brief statement of purpose, a detailed budget and a letter of support from you advisor.  Send your application to the Associate Graduate Coordinator.

Daniel J. Koleos Research Award

The Daniel J. Koleos Research Award is funded through an endowment provided to the Department from Daniel Koleos, who graduated in 1978 with a BA in history.

Eligibility: open to all students (including those who are not ABD), open field

Required materials: This award recognizes excellence in research and writing. The required materials are a writing sample and one faculty letter of support.

Jack and Celia Proctor Research Prize

Dr. Samuel Proctor and Irving Proctor provided this scholarship as a tribute to their parents, Jack and Celia Proctor. The award serves to assist a graduate student enrolled in the Department of History.

Eligibility: Students conducting dissertation research; open field

Required materials: Research proposal; budget; one faculty letter of support

George E. Pozzetta Dissertation Research Prize

Eligibility: Students conducting dissertation research; open field

Required materials: Research proposal; budget; one faculty letter of support

Gary C. and Eleanor G. Simons Dissertation Research Award

Eligibility: Students conducting and/or traveling for dissertation research related to the history of Early America.

Required Materials: Research proposal; budget; one faculty letter of support.

Bertram Wyatt-Brown Dissertation Research Prize

Eligibility: Students conducting dissertation research; open field

Required materials: Research proposal; budget; one faculty letter of support.

Bertram Wyatt-Brown Memorial Travel Award

Eligibility: Students conducting dissertation research; open field

Required materials: Research proposal; budget; one faculty letter of support

Linda D. Vance Prize in Women’s History

Linda Vance completed her doctoral degree in history at UF in 1980. A past member of the Department of History advisory council, she established this endowment in 1986 to foster knowledge relating to women’s history.

Eligibility: Students conducting work on the history of women

Required materials: The required materials are a writing sample and one faculty letter of support.

Roger Haigh Award in Latin American History

Eligibility: Students conducting work on the history of Latin America

Required materials: The required materials are a writing sample and one faculty letter of support.

Lyle N. McAlister Research Award

The Lyle N. McAlister Research Award, donated by his former students, is awarded in honor of former UF Professor Lyle N. McAlister.

Eligibility: This award supports archival research for ABD students studying Colonial Latin America.

Required materials: Research proposal; budget; one faculty letter of support