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United States History Doctoral Studies


The major field in U.S. History is organized around three foundation courses: AMH 6198 Early America, AMH 6199 Nineteenth-Century America, and AMH 6290 Twentieth-Century America. These are reading-intensive seminars designed to introduce AMH students to the main historiographic currents in U.S. history. All full-time doctoral candidates in U. S. History must complete the full rotation of foundation courses in their first two years. Should those courses not be available on a regular basis, however, students may satisfy the requirement with any combination of three foundation and/or AMH topics courses.

Qualifying Examinations

The Qualifying Examinations in U.S. History have three parts:

  • Major Field 1—grows out of the student’s particular intellectual project; generally related to the themes of the student’s dissertation (i.e.—Prison Reform; Religion in the Civil War)
  • Major Field 2—another AMH field the student has worked in that is broader (i.e.—19th Century U.S.; Women’s History; Southern History)
  • Minor Field–Consistent with the requirements of the Department Minor

The student’s three fields should be sufficiently distinct and not have too much overlap. The student’s committee should be complete and have identified three distinct reading lists no later than three (3) months before the qualifying exam, and should send the reading lists to the graduate coordinator. Typically these lists contain 100-150 titles across the three fields.

Qualifying exams should take place during students’ 3rd year in the graduate program.

Faculty in United States History

Email: spadams

Interim Associate Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Hyatt and Cici Brown Professor of History; 19th Century U.S. History; Energy, American Capitalism; Industrial Revolution; U.S. South

Email: jadler

Professor, History of American Crime and Violence, American Urban Studies

Email: wbillups

Assistant Professor, US History

Email: da.canton

Associate Professor, African American History

Email: edale

Professor, Constitutional and Legal History, Digital History

Email: davisjac

Distinguished Professor, Rothman Family Chair in the Humanities, Environmental, Southern, Florida

Associate Professor, US History, Transnational History

Email: mjacobs

Associate Professor, U.S. Foreign Relations, International History, Middle East

Email: jsensbach

Professor, Atlantic World, Religion

Email: dsilkenat

Richard J. Milbauer Chair in Southern History, Professor, US History

Email: spillane

Professor, Modern U.S., Social Policy, Criminal Justice, Drugs

Email: benwise

Associate Professor, Modern America