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Faculty (Specializations)




Email: nrhunt

Professor, Africa, Gender, History of Medicine

Email: pjanzen

Assistant Professor, African and African Diaspora History

Email: m.larmer

Director, Center for African Studies, Professor



African American

Email: da.canton

Associate Professor, African American History

Assistant Professor, African American Studies

Email: jneedell

Professor, Modern Latin America, Brazil

Email: jsensbach

Professor, Atlantic World, Religion



American South

Email: spadams

Hyatt and Cici Brown Professor of History; 19th Century U.S. History; Energy, American Capitalism; Industrial Revolution; U.S. South

Email: wbillups

Assistant Professor, US History

Email: davisjac

Distinguished Professor, Rothman Family Chair in the Humanities, Environmental, Southern, Florida

Associate Professor, US History, Transnational History

Email: nolls

Instructional Professor, U.S. History, Southern History, History of Disability

Email: jsensbach

Professor, Atlantic World, Religion

Richard J. Milbauer Chair in Southern History, Professor, US History

Email: benwise

Associate Professor, Modern America

Read more about Southern History at UF & the Milbauer Program in Southern History(opens in new tab).

Asia and the Middle East

Asia and the Middle East

Email: sandychang

Assistant Professor, Southeast Asia, Modern China, Colonialism, Migration, Gender and Sexuality Studies

Assistant Professor, Asia, China, Japan, Legal History, Empire

Email: mjacobs

Associate Professor, U.S. Foreign Relations, International History, Middle East

Atlantic World

Email: f.bretones

Assistant Professor, Caribbean History

Assistant Professor, Colonial Latin America and Early Modern Spain

Email: harlandj

Associate Professor, Modern Britain and British Empire, Atlantic World

Email: pjanzen

Assistant Professor, African and African Diaspora History

Email: stkroen

Associate Professor, Modern France, Europe

Email: jneedell

Professor, Modern Latin America, Brazil

Email: jsensbach

Professor, Atlantic World, Religion

Read more about the Atlantic World history concentration at UF.


Central and Eastern Europe

Harry Rich Professor of Holocaust Studies

Associate Professor, Soviet and Post-Soviet History

Email: fcurta

Professor, Carolingian Europe, Byzantium, Archaeology, Medievalism

Email: goda

Professor, Norman and Irma Braman Chair in Holocaust Studies, Modern Europe

Email: cgoodwin1

Assistant Instructional Professor, Modern European History

Email: hartm

Professor, Modern Germany, Modern Jewish History, History of Social Science

Read more about UF’s Central and Eastern European History concentration.

Early Americas

Email: f.bretones

Assistant Professor, Caribbean History

Assistant Professor, Colonial Latin America and Early Modern Spain

Email: jsensbach

Professor, Atlantic World, Religion

Late Antiquity and Byzantine

Email: fcurta

Professor, Carolingian Europe, Byzantium, Archaeology, Medievalism

Read more about UF’s Late Antique and Medieval History concentration.

Latin American and Caribbean

Email: f.bretones

Assistant Professor, Caribbean History

Assistant Professor, Colonial Latin America and Early Modern Spain

Professor, Cuban and Caribbean History

Email: pjanzen

Assistant Professor, African and African Diaspora History

Email: jneedell

Professor, Modern Latin America, Brazil

Email: hvrana

Associate Professor, Modern Latin America, Youth, Social Movements, and History of Disability

Read more about UF’s Latin American and Caribbean History concentration.

Law, Economy, and Society

Email: jadler

Professor, History of American Crime and Violence, American Urban Studies

Email: edale

Professor, Constitutional and Legal History, Digital History

Assistant Professor, Colonial Latin America and Early Modern Spain

Email: goda

Professor, Norman and Irma Braman Chair in Holocaust Studies, Modern Europe

Email: spillane

Professor, Modern U.S., Social Policy, Criminal Justice, Drugs

Email: hvrana

Associate Professor, Modern Latin America, Youth, Social Movements, and History of Disability

Medieval and Early Modern Europe

Email: ncaputo

Associate Professor, Medieval Jewish History, Medieval History

Email: fcurta

Professor, Carolingian Europe, Byzantium, Archaeology, Medievalism

Assistant Professor, Colonial Latin America and Early Modern Spain

Email: matytsina

Associate Professor, Early Modern Europe

Read more about our concentration in Medieval and Early Modern Europe.

Modern Europe

Harry Rich Professor of Holocaust Studies

Associate Professor, Soviet and Post-Soviet History

Email: goda

Professor, Norman and Irma Braman Chair in Holocaust Studies, Modern Europe

Email: cgoodwin1

Assistant Instructional Professor, Modern European History

Email: harlandj

Associate Professor, Modern Britain and British Empire, Atlantic World

Email: hartm

Professor, Modern Germany, Modern Jewish History, History of Social Science

Email: stkroen

Associate Professor, Modern France, Europe

Email: matytsina

Associate Professor, Early Modern Europe








Email: f.bretones

Assistant Professor, Caribbean History

Email: ncaputo

Associate Professor, Medieval Jewish History, Medieval History

Email: fcurta

Professor, Carolingian Europe, Byzantium, Archaeology, Medievalism

Assistant Professor, Colonial Latin America and Early Modern Spain

Email: harlandj

Associate Professor, Modern Britain and British Empire, Atlantic World

Email: hartm

Professor, Modern Germany, Modern Jewish History, History of Social Science

Email: matytsina

Associate Professor, Early Modern Europe

Email: jsensbach

Professor, Atlantic World, Religion

Read more about UF’s Religious History concentration.



Science, Social Science, Medicine, Environment

Email: davisjac

Distinguished Professor, Rothman Family Chair in the Humanities, Environmental, Southern, Florida

Email: hartm

Professor, Modern Germany, Modern Jewish History, History of Social Science

Email: nrhunt

Professor, Africa, Gender, History of Medicine

Email: matytsina

Associate Professor, Early Modern Europe

Email: nolls

Instructional Professor, U.S. History, Southern History, History of Disability

Email: bsmocovi

Professor, History of Science, Biology

Email: spillane

Professor, Modern U.S., Social Policy, Criminal Justice, Drugs

Email: hvrana

Associate Professor, Modern Latin America, Youth, Social Movements, and History of Disability



U.S. 19th Century

Email: spadams

Hyatt and Cici Brown Professor of History; 19th Century U.S. History; Energy, American Capitalism; Industrial Revolution; U.S. South

Email: jadler

Professor, History of American Crime and Violence, American Urban Studies

Email: edale

Professor, Constitutional and Legal History, Digital History

Associate Professor, US History, Transnational History

Richard J. Milbauer Chair in Southern History, Professor, US History

Read more about UF’s 19th-Century American History concentration.


U.S. Twentieth Century

Email: jadler

Professor, History of American Crime and Violence, American Urban Studies

Email: wbillups

Assistant Professor, US History

Email: da.canton

Associate Professor, African American History

Email: edale

Professor, Constitutional and Legal History, Digital History

Email: davisjac

Distinguished Professor, Rothman Family Chair in the Humanities, Environmental, Southern, Florida

Associate Professor, US History, Transnational History

Email: mjacobs

Associate Professor, U.S. Foreign Relations, International History, Middle East

Email: lnewman

Associate Professor, U.S. Women and Gender History, U.S. Cultural History of the Twentieth Century

Email: nolls

Instructional Professor, U.S. History, Southern History, History of Disability

Email: spillane

Professor, Modern U.S., Social Policy, Criminal Justice, Drugs

Email: benwise

Associate Professor, Modern America



War and Diplomacy

Email: goda

Professor, Norman and Irma Braman Chair in Holocaust Studies, Modern Europe

Email: cgoodwin1

Assistant Instructional Professor, Modern European History

Professor, Cuban and Caribbean History

Email: mjacobs

Associate Professor, U.S. Foreign Relations, International History, Middle East

Richard J. Milbauer Chair in Southern History, Professor, US History



Women, Gender, and Sexuality

Email: sandychang

Assistant Professor, Southeast Asia, Modern China, Colonialism, Migration, Gender and Sexuality Studies

Email: nrhunt

Professor, Africa, Gender, History of Medicine

Email: stkroen

Associate Professor, Modern France, Europe

Email: lnewman

Associate Professor, U.S. Women and Gender History, U.S. Cultural History of the Twentieth Century

Email: benwise

Associate Professor, Modern America





World History

Email: spadams

Hyatt and Cici Brown Professor of History; 19th Century U.S. History; Energy, American Capitalism; Industrial Revolution; U.S. South

Email: f.bretones

Assistant Professor, Caribbean History

Email: ncaputo

Associate Professor, Medieval Jewish History, Medieval History

Email: edale

Professor, Constitutional and Legal History, Digital History

Associate Professor, US History, Transnational History

Email: harlandj

Associate Professor, Modern Britain and British Empire, Atlantic World

Email: nrhunt

Professor, Africa, Gender, History of Medicine

Email: mjacobs

Associate Professor, U.S. Foreign Relations, International History, Middle East

Email: pjanzen

Assistant Professor, African and African Diaspora History

Read more about our concentration in World History