African American
American South
Asia and the Middle East
Atlantic World
Central and Eastern Europe
The Early Americas
Late Antique, Early Medieval & Byzantine
Latin America and Caribbean
Law, Crime, & Society
Modern Europe
Science, Social Science, Medicine, Environment
U.S. 19th Century
U.S. 20th Century
War and Diplomacy
Women, Gender, & Sexuality
World History
African American
American South
Interim Associate Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Hyatt and Cici Brown Professor of History; 19th Century U.S. History; Energy, American Capitalism; Industrial Revolution; U.S. South
Distinguished Professor, Rothman Family Chair in the Humanities, Environmental, Southern, Florida
Instructional Professor, U.S. History, Southern History, History of Disability
Read more about Southern History at UF & the Milbauer Program in Southern History(opens in new tab).
Asia and the Middle East
Asia and the Middle East
Assistant Professor, Southeast Asia, Modern China, Colonialism, Migration, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Associate Professor, U.S. Foreign Relations, International History, Middle East
Atlantic World
Associate Professor, Modern Britain and British Empire, Atlantic World
Read more about the Atlantic World history concentration at UF.
Central and Eastern Europe
Associate Professor and Waldo W. Neikirk Term Professor, Soviet and Post-Soviet History
Professor, Norman and Irma Braman Chair in Holocaust Studies, Modern Europe
Professor, Modern Germany, Modern Jewish History, History of Social Science
Read more about UF’s Central and Eastern European History concentration.
Early Americas
Late Antiquity and Byzantine
Read more about UF’s Late Antique and Medieval History concentration.
Latin American and Caribbean
Associate Professor, Modern Latin America, Youth, Social Movements, and History of Disability
Read more about UF’s Latin American and Caribbean History concentration.
Law, Economy, and Society
Medieval and Early Modern Europe
Read more about our concentration in Medieval and Early Modern Europe.
Modern Europe
Associate Professor and Waldo W. Neikirk Term Professor, Soviet and Post-Soviet History
Professor, Norman and Irma Braman Chair in Holocaust Studies, Modern Europe
Associate Professor, Modern Britain and British Empire, Atlantic World
Professor, Modern Germany, Modern Jewish History, History of Social Science
Read more about UF’s Religious History concentration.
Science, Social Science, Medicine, Environment
Distinguished Professor, Rothman Family Chair in the Humanities, Environmental, Southern, Florida
Professor, Modern Germany, Modern Jewish History, History of Social Science
Instructional Professor, U.S. History, Southern History, History of Disability
Associate Professor, Modern Latin America, Youth, Social Movements, and History of Disability
U.S. 19th Century
Interim Associate Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Hyatt and Cici Brown Professor of History; 19th Century U.S. History; Energy, American Capitalism; Industrial Revolution; U.S. South
Read more about UF’s 19th-Century American History concentration.
U.S. Twentieth Century
War and Diplomacy
Women, Gender, and Sexuality
Assistant Professor, Southeast Asia, Modern China, Colonialism, Migration, Gender and Sexuality Studies
World History
Interim Associate Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Hyatt and Cici Brown Professor of History; 19th Century U.S. History; Energy, American Capitalism; Industrial Revolution; U.S. South
Associate Professor, Modern Britain and British Empire, Atlantic World
Associate Professor, U.S. Foreign Relations, International History, Middle East